about us
100% Satisfaction
Highly Skilled Staff
We respect our client’s businesses in every way. Our objective is to deliver 100% satisfaction on every job, no matter how small or large. You will find all our staff well presented, uniformed and always courteous. These extremely knowledgeable individuals are highly skilled, certified, trusted, and experienced in the world of Electrical Testing and Inspecting.
No downtime
Throughout our time on your premises, our engineers remain acutely aware that the smooth running of your business is everyone’s top priority. To that end, we strive to minimise disruption and avoid production down time. If required, we will attend your site outside of your regular trading hours to ensure we make no impact on your business productivity
Your best interests
Honesty and Integrity matter to us
We believe strongly in the values of honesty and integrity. For example, we will never report a problem that does not exist. We will always provide you with full reports of all our findings, along with detailed documentation to support those findings, so that you can be confident that we are working to your best interest. Why not get in touch today on 07814 905 733 to book your free quote.
No hidden Extras
Prior to any engagement, we are always happy to provide full estimates for the work involved with no hidden extras. Once our work is complete, we issue the comprehensive and honest report on our findings.
Geographic coverage
Finally, our geographic coverage extends across the entire United Kingdom. In addition to our Head Office located in Brecon we have satellite offices in Reading, Exeter, Birmingham, Newcastle and Maidstone.